
Google Algorithm Updates March 2012

5 April 2012
Reading Time: One Minute

Google announced 50 algorithm updates applied to the search engine last month. In their official search blog post they have provided few more details about the recent Panda refresh  that was revealed on Twitter, but did not say anything about the websites that might be affected by it.

” In the past month, we’ve pushed updated data for “Panda,” as we mentioned in a recent tweet. We’ve also made improvements to keep our database fresher overall.”

Google’s list of 50 new algorithm updates includes an additional freshness update. This update was launched late last year only on Google news search and now is rolled out for all search results.

Besides updates such as a new tennis feature that provides real time scores, most Google algorithm updates are highly obscure and indistinct. Maybe for this reason, Google have distributed a short video taken during one search quality meeting.

Google have also made an effort to improve the search engine’s synonym system, and included four different algorithm updates for this effort: one update that lessens undesired and unhelpful synonyms, another that separates “siblings”, different entities in the same category such as “cat” and “dog”, another update that simply improves search accuracy and performance and an update that, following users’ requests, moderates the synonyms’ aggressiveness.

Google have also announced tweaking the handling of anchor texts by removing the component that classified the anchors and replacing it with more successful anchor processing methods, and improving the indexing of profile pages in more than 200 social websites; these updates might affect link building.