
Keywords’ Synonyms in Site Content

6 December 2012
Reading Time: One Minute

If you have ever wondered whether you should incorporate the keywords’ synonyms in your website content (or in any other search engine optimization activities) you should know that Matt Cutts approves (with some restrictions). Incorporating synonyms at the same text can help a webpage to be found on the relevant search results, Cutts says, just be careful not to end up stuffing keywords.

When there are two or more keywords with similar meaning (for example download movies and download films), you should use both terms to clarify both human users and search engines that your website offers both. But you should do this only as long as the site’s content sounds natural and not too stilted or spammy.

Google spam department, which Matt Cutts heads, actually has a synonym team, designed “to sort of realize that car and automobile are the same thing”, but Cutts recommends webmasters to not rely solely on Google’s employees understanding and to help them know what the site is all about. Meaning you can use different keywords to describe the same product or service  – once a USB, next time a USB stick, and then a flash drive – but make sure the text remain natural.